**Workshops hosted at World Peace Yoga in Cincinnati**
Yoga of Recovery ®
Saturday, April 8 ~ 9:00 am-1:00 pm with Stacy Lynn
What is Yoga of Recovery? It is a unique opportunity for those who are curious about exploring our daily behaviors and tendencies from the ancient viewpoint of Eastern Philosophy merged with modern Western recovery concepts.
In today’s fast-paced, high-achieving society, we are drawn to accomplish more in less time. We tend to focus on quantity rather than quality, and invariably our personal lives suffer. In order to maintain the pace, many of us turn to something outside ourselves to cope. It might be sugar, caffeine, or food or even gambling, alcohol, or drugs to help us wake up or wind down. We are constantly riding the ups and downs of life and looking for a way to just hang on.
In this workshop, we will learn the 6 tenets of Yoga of Recovery. Participants will dive into a deeper understanding of the three Gunas from the yoga philosophy and how to relate the Gunas to our personal behavior tendencies. We will discover each person’s Ayurvedic dosha, or constitution, and the various tendencies inherent in their natural constitution. Applying principles from the many branches of yoga and Ayurveda along with core concepts from the 12 step programs, we will discuss various lifestyle modifications and rituals that may be used to bring more balance into their lives to achieve a more holistic state of existence!
Pricing: $40 in advance; $50 day of
Applying Yoga Therapeutically
Saturday, April 8 ~ 2:00-6:00 pm with Stacy Lynn
All yoga is therapeutic. There is more to the practice of Yoga besides the physical asana practice. It also involves other aspects like breathing, concentrating, and applying various philosophical, ethical and moral practices.
Exploring the many branches of yoga and learning how to apply these diverse aspects in a therapeutic way facilitates deeper healing benefits for students whether in a private or group setting.
In this workshop we will explore how to weave different branches of yoga into your classes and work with individuals to broaden their knowledge and experience of yoga in a therapeutic way to bring balance on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level for all participants regardless of physical ability or experience level. We will also discuss how to approach sharing the teachings of yoga as a practice of service while maintaining integrity and respect of the practices and how to make the teachings of yoga accessible for all who are seeking wholeness.
Pricing: $40 in advance; $50 day of
Trauma Sensitive Yoga Day Intensive: Yoga for Specialty Populations
Sunday, April 9 ~ 9:00 am-5:00 pm with Stacy Lynn
Have you ever wanted to share the transformative power of yoga with a wider audience beyond a studio? Have you ever wondered how you might better serve the varied needs of the students you currently teach?
This special opportunity is designed for yoga teachers and those in training to develop the skills and techniques needed to teach yoga to different at-risk populations. Individuals who suffer from depression/anxiety, PTSD, addiction, or have experienced trauma often struggle in traditional yoga classes due to the wide range of life experiences they bring with them to class. By learning how to properly address their experiences within the context of a yoga class, you will not only provide an environment and atmosphere where crucial healing may take place, but you will learn how to become more sensitive in all of your interactions with students.
In this day long intensive, we will discuss trauma-sensitive yoga, who it serves, why it is needed, common issues to address, themes and methodology for teaching, as well as how the yoga philosophy may be applied to these situations. You will be guided through a sample series and also practice teaching using trauma-informed techniques. Opportunities for outreach will also be presented.
Please join us as we explore how to step out of our individual stories, examine our behaviors and beliefs, confront the judgments and attachments we hold, and empower others to do the same!
Pricing: $99 in advance; $108 day of