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One Yoga Practice to Change Your Entire Life

Stacy Lynn

What do you do when no one is watching?

Who do you want to become?

What life do you want to live?

For most of us, the answer to these questions is complicated.

We know generally how we want to live, but there are responsibilities we have to take care of, time constraints that limit our options, unexpected challenges arising from nowhere...

and pretty soon we lose track of our priorities and can feel like our life is out of our control.

TAPAS. Tapas is the answer.

Tapas is one of the Niyamas referred to in the Yoga Sutras, a book on the theory and practice of yoga. Tapas is often interpreted as persistence, perseverance, or austerity and is grouped in with the category of practices that work on refining our relationship to ourselves, versus our relationship to the outside world.

Practicing Tapas can change your life.

Tapas is a form of compassionate and honest self discipline.

🔥 It’s the fire and passion that drives us to cultivate something more than our habits and daily complacency...

🔥 It’s the heat that burns away impurities to bring us to the polished and best version of ourselves...

🔥 Tapas tells us to come to our yoga mat instead of scrolling social media, to get outside and take a walk when we are feeling down, to fuel our body with life affirming nutrients instead of chemically created junk, to not stand for or participate in gossip even when all your friends are, to read an inspiring book instead of watching a violent movie, to take a nap when we are stressed and haven’t slept well, to find professional help when we can’t do it alone, to lovingly strive to be better today than we were yesterday...and accept our growth as a gradual process.

If we apply tapas in our lives , consciously in every moment, we create a life we are proud of ...even in the midst of the most challenging times .

Follow us Instagram for more inspiration and ideas or message us to schedule our signature Empowered Living private sessions!

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